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JUNE | 2022


Seattle Children’s Hospital

Project Role:

Facilities Owner Technical Advisor for Mechanical and Electrical Systems, Warranty Phase Management

Contract Engagement:

April 2020 to May 2023

Seattle Children’s Hospital Forest B | Building Care

This 485,500 square foot, eight-story inpatient diagnostic and treatment facility is the new front door to Seattle Children’s campus and the second phase of a one-million-square-foot campus expansion to provide the most advanced care for young patients. Key program elements included surgery, sterile processing, cancer & blood disorder clinic, lab, outpatient pharmacy, imaging, and inpatient bed floors.

EBD scope of services included construction phase and occupancy/warranty phase Project Management/Owner Technical Advisor for electrical and mechanical systems including compliance management for Owner Project Requirements/Basis of Design, Weekly Construction Site Observation reports including tracking of corrective action/resolution, OAC meeting coordination, asset integration into the CMMS System, RFP development and selection for building service contractors, and contractor warranty compliance.